Saturday, October 11, 2008


Meditate: Acts 2:45

We’ve been hearing a lot about spiritual disciplines the last few years. You know prayer, bible reading, worship, prayer, giving, solitude, fellowship, etc.

There’s one we don’t talk about very much though. Mainly because it freaks us out. When’s the last time you heard anyone mention the spiritual discipline of simplicity?

Different people practice this in different ways so I’m not going to try to get too specific here but look around you where you’re reading this.

What’s a need and what’s a want? Purpose to keep your wants simple.  It will give you more room for God and the other things that really matter in life.

I’ve known people who were working two jobs so they could afford the vacation they’d never get the time off to take. That’s not simplicity.

I once knew a couple who were both working way too much “just to get ahead.” The only one who seemed to be getting ahead was their babysitter. It was the babysitter who heard the baby’s first words and saw the baby’s first steps but, man, they had a killer home entertainment suite to fight over in the divorce.


Almost everything costs us something. Simplicity means counting the cost and making a real choice that doesn’t involve fads or greed or “keeping up with the Jones.”

It means honestly examining my wants to focus on those things that will last, those things that will take me in the direction I really want to go. Sounds difficult until you realize simplicity really means freedom.

  • What would simplicity look like in my life?

Praise: You are Holy and Awesome! All power and glory are Yours.
Confess: I complicate my life by running after things that will decay.
Thank: You give me treasure where there is no decay.
Ask: Show me how to unburden my life and live in simplicity before You.

Digging Deeper: James 5

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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