Saturday, October 25, 2008

Do… or do not. There is no try.

Meditate: Acts 2:47

We often forget that our actions speak so loudly. It’s not what we say that shows what we believe most deeply, it’s what we do. For instance, Americans say we value integrity but too often we wink when you cheat on taxes.

It’s common to say that we value worshipping God. But are we really there, ready in our hearts and minds to come before Almighty God and express His worth? (worship = worth-ship, expressing the value of someone)

Are we there as participants or spectators? Are we expressing or holding back? Does it come from my heart or just from my mouth? Some churches are in a running battle over music and form. Is our worship about God or about asserting our preferences? Is it praise or nostalgia? Is it about God or is it about me?

Speaking of battles, are we living in unity with our Christian brothers and sisters? That’s a form of praise. It shows we value God as Father enough to care about getting along with His children.

Are we trusting God with our resources? The Bible spends a lot of time talking about God as Provider. Trusting is praising.

Are we living in obedience to His Word and His Spirit? “I respect you but I won’t listen to you” doesn’t fly anywhere that matters. Why would God accept that kind of praise?

  • Is my praise acceptable to God?

Praise: You are God. How mighty are Your wonders!
Confess: I often like the idea of following more than really following You.
Thank: You made me and I am Yours.
Ask: Help me to listen to You so that I become a true Jesus follower.

Digging Deeper: Psalm 106

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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