Friday, November 26, 2010

One More Thanksgiving

This seemed especially appropriate this year. Thanks to a treatment we were trying, I spent last Thanksgiving and Christmas fighting a migraine, unable to even think about food, crawling around on the bathroom floor. (Isn't it funny how soothing that cold tile feels...?) 
Anyway, yesterday I was able to feast with my family and celebrate with some of you online. It was time worth savoring and I'm grateful:

May God be praised now and forever.

Let us praise our God
of Whose bounty we have partaken

and through Whose goodness we live.

Praised be He, and praised be His name.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe:

You sustain the world with goodness,
with grace,
with love and mercy.

You give food to every creature,
for Your love endures forever.

Through Your great goodness,
we have not lacked,
and may we never lack,
our daily bread.

God is great;
He nourishes and sustains all,
and deals bountifully with all,

providing food for all His creatures.

Blessed are You,
Lord who provides food for all.

Sustain Jerusalem,
the Holy City,
now and forever.

Blessed are You, Yahweh,
Who in His grace builds Jerusalem.

May He Who makes peace on high,
make peace for us,

and for Israel,

and all His people.

May God give strength to His people.

May God bless His people with peace.


(adapted from the Bir’khat haMazon,

the traditional Jewish Grace After the Meal)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I ran across this at Forbes:

  When one DOOR CLOSES another DOOR OPENS;
                but we often look so LONG 
                                       and so REGRETFULLY
                  upon THE CLOSED DOOR
             that WE DO NOT SEE THE ONES
                      which OPEN FOR US.
– Alexander Graham Bell
What doors are you facing?