Tuesday, March 30, 2010

meditation on psalm 27

No cowering in the darkness for me!
The Lord ensures that I'm never in darkness.
Why should I be afraid?

The Lord is always saving me.
What do I have to fear?

The Lord is my fortress, my refuge, my absolute security.
Why should I be intimidated?

Noise, nor numbers, nor outlandish displays…
It doesn't matter what attack comes against me.
It's cool — I know that He will handle it.

There's only one thing I ask of the Lord
one thing I deeply long for –
I want to always be by His side,
to look up and see Him,
To always know He's right there.

(Page through a Bible!)
All the best stuff happens where God is.
There's no better safety than to have Him right there.
He's either covering over me
Or placing me in a position of security;
Above the trouble,
Far above anything, anyone who would drag me down.

How can I not sing?
  (I'm no singer and yet it bubbles up in me!)
How can I not praise Him?
  (No poet either and yet...!)

I'm calling to you, Lord!
I'm confident in your grace and mercy.
I don't doubt that You'll hear me.

Your open arms invite me to You;
You draw me to speak with You.
Now everything in me reaches for You.

Don't turn away.
(although I know what I deserve...)
Don't reject me. (though I’ve neglected You.)

You've always kept an open door.
(The problem has been my hesitancy to walk through.)
But no matter who else has dumped me,
You've always stayed nearby.

Teach me your way, Lord.
Lead me (keep me!) on Your straight and narrow.

I know not everyone is on my side –
So don't let me fall into an enemy’s hands.
Lies and threats...
Truth and justice aren’t their goal.

But don’t let me leave the wrong impression!
I’m absolutely confident in the Lord's goodness —
Not pie in the sky eventually –
but here in the land of the living, even in my lifetime.

So here's an invitation:
Join me in waiting in God's presence!
Don’t hesitate any longer!
Stay with Him. Be brave. Don't give up.

Let me say it again:
Go to the Lord! Wait in hope with Him!

Posted via email from Ferndale Tonight

Sunday, March 28, 2010

meditation on psalm 36

Deep within their hearts, sin-whispers beckon to the wicked. 
   There’s room for the sin-voices there,
      in those hearts where no sense of awe before the Almighty silences them.
Their sense of self-importance looms so large
   it blocks their view of the wickedness within them.
Deception and misdirection pour from their mouths.
   They refuse to behave morally or do good
      (or redefine moral and good to fit their wish of the moment!)
They sit up nights thinking of new ways to offend God;
   There’s an agenda behind everything they do,
      and it’s never good.
Your love, Lord, never fails.  The skies can’t begin to contain it.
Your faithfulness is more reliable than Space is deep.
Your righteousness as evident as the greatest mountains.
Your justice is as unfathomable as the ocean depths.
Everything that has breath is under your care, Lord.
God, your never-ending love is most treasured
   (though the British might say it’s “most dear” which I think sounds closer to the mark.)
You offer shelter for all of us,
   feeding us from your overflowing table,
   pouring out drinks from your river of delights.
You are the fountain of Life,
   the Light that shows us the Way
Pour down your forever-faithful love on those who love you;
return your justice on those honest folks who live with integrity. 
Don’t let me come under the feet of the proud
   or let the wicked push me around. 
Bring about your Day when the evil will fall for the final time.
Disclaimer: If you’re new to these posts, I basically just sit down quickly after my morning Bible reading and prayer and soul-dump it all back into my keyboard as best I can.  It’s one of my ways of wrestling with it all. 
So here are the “terms of service” assumed here:
   —Don’t expect a spirited defense of translation since I'm not even aiming for a paraphrase. So if that's your issue let me just say, “Yeah, you’ve probably got a point there.” and get it over with.
   —Don’t read too much into these about subtler points of my beliefs. These are usually done quickly at times when my best, most reliable editor is unavailable. See the preceding point for the response you'll probably get.
   —And above all, please don’t tell me you’ve published any new theological discoveries or launched any more denominations based solely on something you think you’ve found in one of these.
   —Participate! Check out the passages and have a go at them yourself. Then share.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Doc, Is This Killing Me?

I’ve been putting off writing this post since Christmas.  That’s when I asked that question. 

So friends (deep breath), it’s time to say this:  
it seems I’m fighting a killer, a deadly disease. 

Some of you are nodding to yourselves, saying “I’ve thought as much…”  

Others of you are quite surprised.  Go ahead and take a moment.  (Trust me, I’ve been trying for weeks to get used to this.)

I’ve started to write it and gotten bogged down in how much do I need to include to still consider it being honest—and when have I glossed over things in a way that ends up telling something less than the truth. And of course, how much do I leave out so as not to bog you down with more details than you could possibly be interested in…

There’s also the feeling (the fear?) that if I commit all this to writing, it somehow changes things—something becomes irrevocable. And so it goes in the mental trash bin until the next time I take a run at it.

But I saw this today and it absolutely wrecked me.  And it reminds me that time is passing and I should get on with what living I have to do. 

My doctors have chased diagnosis after diagnosis, each getting more and more rare.  This is the expert medical team who handles rare neurological cases for the military (TV watchers can think House) and the head doc tells me they’re used to mysteries and this is befuddling them. 

We’re now into the 2 or 3 cases per million and my very honest doc is still shaking his head.  (I’m grateful for their honesty.  It makes things easier for the most part...)  There’s still an “if they’re right” in there but it’s gotten extremely small. 

The treatments I’m taking are intense, exhausting affairs, toxic in their own way.  Each one costs me life expectancy but the theory is that they’re knocking away at the disease in a way that has a net increase on my life expectancy. 

The first treatment (last fall) was thought to be kind of an “if this doesn’t work, nothing will” silver bullet cure. 

It tore me up.  “Go ahead and kill me—just don’t ask me to move” migraines, vomiting, getting weaker and weaker.  I missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, four family birthdays…  After three months we had to stop.  I was getting worse instead of better. 

There was the delay to figure out what to try next which is what we’re trying now.  Started that at the beginning of March…

But I met with my internist this week and he’s concerned. He thinks I should already be showing improvement—I’m not—and he’s not at all happy about the side effects he is seeing.  He’s raising his concerns with the neuro folks.  I meet with them this week. And I’m scheduled to have another high-dose (really overdose) steroid infusion… 

Last weekend, there seemed to be a real “Angel of Death”-over-the-house feeling lurking about.  Maybe you have to understand that my disease has been more chronic—very steady without many huge events—but last week I had a legendary bad night. 

And there was nothing anyone could do. 

I haven’t driven since August.  I’ve used a wheelchair since New Year’s.  I’ve got that ever helpful “hey, look—a squirrel” ability to stay focused.  A big evening out means a DVD in the living room with the family.

My pain is getting worse—the pain meds are wearing off sooner and the pain is breaking through more often.  I have trouble seeing.  I’m showing muscle wasting again.  I sweat constantly.  There are other ills you don’t even want to know about. 

I’m not resting (again).  Or, like yesterday, I’m sleeping 15 hours out of sheer exhaustion.  People say, “At least you’re resting.  That has to be good!” but it’s not normal to sleep 15 hours at a run.  That just means you’re really sick.  And if the pattern holds I’ll probably not sleep tonight.  I’m feeling another down-cycle beginning…

All that said, this is the best time of my life. 

God is still God. 

He is still in control, watching over us, caring for us, providing for us…   

I wouldn’t trade this time with my family for anything.  The strength and faith I’ve seen in them and the people around us have been amazing.  For the last year and a half, I’ve had a front row seat, seeing God at work, up-close. 

Like the guy in the video (do go watch it), I feel like I’m a better husband, father and friend.  I feel closer to God.  More confident to touch others. 

I want to live to walk my girls, all five of them, down the aisle. 

I want to see my boy become a man. 

I want to grow old with this wonderful wife that God’s given me. 

My bucket list is long.  There’s a lot I’d still like to do.  I don’t feel done“Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place.”  But it’s become very clear that it’s out of my hands. 

The doctors don’t know enough to talk percentages or timelines should none of these treatments take hold (I’ve asked.)  The fact is that the broad category diagnosis was a flat-out death sentence before they started using these treatments.  The most likely to help has failed.  And as I said, questions are being raised about the next most likely.  As the airline passenger said to his seatmate, we’re running out of engines fast!

I’m praying, and I know many of you are, for God to heal me.  But the truth is none of us knows what happens next. 

But I know God is still God

(And I’ll keep y’all posted.)

PS: I’ve talked this over with my older girls.  We’re trying to figure out how to talk this over with the middle daughter.  She’s plain freaked.  The younger two girls are acting as if they know something’s up and the boy’s just one – he’s too busy getting into things.

Posted via email from Ferndale Tonight

Friday, March 26, 2010

thinking about Psalm 103:13-17

The Lord is like a father to his children,
tender-hearted and caring to those who are in awe of Him.

He knows our weakness;
He remembers making us from dust.

Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and we die.

The wind blows, and we are gone—as though we had never been here.

But the Lord’s love forever envelops those who fear Him.

Posted via email from Ferndale Tonight

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sometimes Amos Frightens Me

You're in for a surprise, you people longing for the Day of the Lord to come.  You sigh, expecting escape and relief...

You have no idea what you're wishing for!  That will be a day of terror not delight.  From the frying pan into the fire.  From the fire into the flood.  The Day of the Lord will be terrifying—dark and hopeless and joyless…

The Lord says 'I hate all your showing off, your pretense—the hypocrisy of your worship services and praise concerts.

‘I don't accept your offerings; your "sacrificial giving" doesn't impress me. Away with your noisy praise bands!  Put away your bands and your banners and your projectors...

‘Instead, I want to see an outpouring of justice, an endless river of right living.  I don't need your amplifiers to hear what's in your heart.

‘You haven't been serving Me—your grand displays have all been about serving yourselves.  So don't be surprised to find yourself separated from Me.’

Posted via email from Ferndale Tonight

Monday, March 22, 2010

Amos Makes Me Think

The Sovereign Lord says:
Come back to Me and live!  Don't turn to empty ideas that aren't God-inspired; don't expect your stuff to speak up for you at judgment.  Come back to the Lord and live!  If you don't, God's judgment fire will leave you nothing. Your false comforts won't be able to quench the flames.  The way you twist justice makes a bitter pill for the oppressed.  You treat the righteous like dirt.

The Lord created the stars, the Pleiades and Orion.  God turns darkness into morning and day into night.  He draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land.  The Lord is His name!  With blinding speed and power He destroys the strong.

You’re spooked at the thought of honest judges!  You despise people who tell you the truth!  You scheme for ways to take advantage.  It's because of things like this that you'll never really live your dream.

God says I know the vast number of your sins and the depth of your rebellions.  Your compromises keep good people down and deprive the poor of justice.

Those who are smart keep their mouths shut--it's an evil time.

Do what’s good and run from evil so that you’ll live!  Then the Lord God of Heaven's Armies will be your helper, just as you have claimed.  Hate evil and love what's good; let justice infuse all your life.

Maybe it's not too late for the Lord God of Heaven's Armies to have mercy on those who remain.

Posted via email from Ferndale Tonight

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Handbook for Mortals

Handbook for Mortals: Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness Handbook for Mortals: Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness by Joanne Lynn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars Handbook for Mortals showed up as recommended reading in several resources I've been looking at lately so I decided to take a look. Overall, it's a good resource but the book's weaknesses lie in it's approach more as a guide on how to face death than as a guide on how to face life. (I'm sick but I'm not planning on dying...soon.) This book also takes a morally neutral attitude toward suicide (assisted and otherwise) that just struck me as creepy. Those issues aside it contains great info on dealing with medical questions and preparing for death. View all my reviews >>

Posted via web from Ferndale Tonight

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I proclaim!

I proclaim to you the Lord of heaven & earth, the God who made the world & everything in it!  God Himself gives everyone life & breath & everything else.

God used this order so that we would seek Him & perhaps reach out for Him & find Him, though He's not far from each one of us.

In the past, God overlooked people's idolatry and ignorance--failing to trust God only & living to please Him--but now He commands everyone everywhere to turn away from their past sins & turn to Him.

He has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man He has appointed. He proved to everyone who this is by raising Jesus from the dead.

Posted via web from Ferndale Tonight