Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sharing Freely

Meditate: Acts 2:44

Let me say this another way: “shared everything” was absolutely voluntary.

It doesn’t get any clearer. After all, it’s not sharing if someone’s taking from you or demanding or taxing you. And it’s certainly nothing to admire if it was only accomplished by force.

So when you read this, bear in mind this wasn’t a communist-type system where the community confiscated your stuff in the name of the common good. Your stuff was still considered your stuff. No one took what you had made from you and then doled out to you what they said you needed. No one dropped hints about the cash value of that building you owned or what a great location your farm would be for that new retreat center the trustees are talking about.

Again, other parts of the Bible make it clear that this looked very normal. It really doesn’t seem to be some hyper-spiritual exercise. Someone heard of a need and realized they had the ability to meet that need so they did. (And you’re right-that still happens today.) Nothing complicated or bureaucratic, and definitely nothing forced. No central committee, no proletariat, no tax man. They weren’t seen as working for the economic benefit of the Church.

See, the change wasn’t in the community’s politics or economics. It was in the heart of the individuals. Voluntarily, in response to God, they shared so that everyone’s needs were met.

  • Has my heart been changed?

Praise: You called all creation out of nothingness. Nothing is too difficult for You.
Confess: I need Your change. My ways are not Your ways.
Thank: You have given me hope and opened my eyes to Your love.
Ask: Replace this heart of stone. Show me the needs around me.

Digging Deeper: Acts 4:32-5:11

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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