Monday, September 15, 2008

Together in Perfect Harmony

Meditate: Acts 2:44

The orchestra takes the stage and the crowd knows the concert is almost but not quite ready to begin. Conversations are reduced to whispers as late-comers find their seats.

And then the concertmaster, the lead violin, sounds one pure, perfect note. What follows is not the example of harmony and perfection that we associate with this scene but a bit of a mess as each member of the orchestra listens and tests and adjusts and tests and adjusts…

Sour notes are forgiven (in fact they’re kind of expected) as the entire orchestra works to play that same note. It’s almost chaos as string by string the concertmaster sets the standard and leads the orchestra in tuning up. But when that’s done the entire orchestra will play in harmony, together.

It’s not all that different for the Church. God has brought us together in individual congregations and as the Body of Christ. In calling us to His salvation and sanctification, in calling us to vocation and mission, He sounds a clear, perfect note. Harmony will come only as we listen and conform ourselves to His calling. If we all determine to get in tune with God, if we create an environment that allows us to listen and patiently test and adjust, if we forgive the inevitable mistakes, if we understand that any chaos is only temporary as we each find our place, then we, the believers, will again be together.

Jesus is calling us to follow. Listen…

  • What is Jesus calling me to?
  • Have I answered Jesus’ call?
  • Am I willing to conform myself to His calling?

Praise: You are the Almighty, the Creator. You alone can save.

Confess: I have sinned against You. I deserve Your judgment not Your calling. I have lived without thinking of You or what You desire.

Thank: You gave Your Son, Jesus, to pay the price for my sins.

Ask: Lord, cleanse me and fill me with Your Spirit. Move me into the place You have for me.

Digging Deeper: John 10

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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