Thursday, September 11, 2008

Alone Together

Meditate: Acts 2:44

Half-truth from Hell: I can do this alone. (cont’d.):

I don’t just bring this up just to make you feel bad. The point is that this is one of those indicators of my general spiritual health.

In the same way that having a fever means there’s something going on with my body that needs taking care of, how I feel about joining together with other believers is an indicator of what’s going on with my soul.

How I feel about spending time in worship is another indicator. See, if I’m not too thrilled about the family God’s given me here and if I’m equally underwhelmed at the thought of what He’s got planned for all of us in eternity, it means there’s some serious heart changing that’s needed.

But there’s a very real caution that goes with how I deal with these symptoms. A friend of mine almost died once because the “aspirin substitute” he was taking for a fever hid an infection that was threatening to kill him. The low-grade fever he had for a few days jumped over 104 when he missed a dose or two.

In the same way, I can determine to just gut it out, ignore the heart symptoms, sit through every meeting looking like I’d rather be somewhere else having my eyes gouged out and grow really bitter and stale; or, I can confess this all to God and cooperate as He changes my heart.

  • What are my heart symptoms?

Praise: You are the living God, holy and majestic. Who is like You?

Confess: (Come clean. Confess your heart to the God who already knows all of it anyway.)

Thank: You are faithful to show me my ways and help me to change.

Ask: Give me courage to make the changes Your calling me to.

Digging Deeper: Hebrews 10:19-25

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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