Saturday, September 13, 2008

Parts Together

Meditate: Acts 2:44

Yet Another Half-truth straight from you know where: The Church doesn’t need me.

Every part of the body has a role, something unique it does for the whole.

Every part of The Body has a role, something it does for the whole.

One of the things I do in my household is taking out the trash. It’s not that no one else is competent for this task or that it can’t be done if I’m not there to do it. It’s just that it’s something my family and I have recognized that I’m particularly suited for (!), so I handle it. And trust me, everything works better when the trash gets out to the curb.

As a Christian, we each have some spiritual gift. We each have some part in what God is doing through His Church. In teaching on how the Church is supposed to work, Paul writes that “when you come together, each of you” has something to contribute to the mix.

What happens if you don’t bring it? Does the Body go without? Does someone less gifted or less available have to try to fill the gap?

Maybe - but one thing remains certain: When we each do this the Church works wonderfully.

This whole passage reflects a time when “all the believers” served God “together.” What do you say we give it a try?

  • What’s my part in the Body?

Praise: You are a God of order and harmony. Your ways are perfect.

Confess: I’ve ignored/resisted/neglected taking my place, using my gifts.

Thank: You’ve been patient, not replacing or rejecting me.

Ask: Lord, when we come together, what is it I bring? What is my gift? What is my role? Show me my place of service, the tasks you’ve prepared for me, and give me a willing heart for serving You by serving Your Body.

Digging Deeper: Romans 12:1-8

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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