Saturday, September 20, 2008

Expecting Together

Meditate: Acts 2:44

So the stage is set, the orchestra is seated and tuned, the sheet music is in place…


In every symphony I’ve attended there was a moment of anticipation, of expectation, where everyone was waiting for what they knew was about to happen.

What’s the biggest obstacle to “all the believers” being “together” again? I think it’s expectation.

We’ve reached a point where many of us have become so entrenched in our differences that we no longer expect togetherness in God’s family.

A friend of mine leads a ministry that’s trying to bring together the leaders of the various believing congregations in his county for prayer and mutual encouragement. The results have been positive overall but…

Well, it just seems many Christians can’t imagine the value of a meeting that takes them outside their preferences. It calls them to go beyond their expectations. Which makes me wonder, what if?

What if we determined that when we encounter a brother or sister in the Lord, we would suppress our preferences and recognize a fellow child of God? What if we decided we were going to expect unity?

And what if we did this together?

  • What are my expectations for Christian unity?

Praise: You are the Everlasting Father watching over all Your children.

Confess: I don’t think of unity as my problem. It just happens, doesn’t it?

Thank: You have not left me alone but give me Your family of faith.

Ask: Father, make me one with my brothers and sisters.

Digging Deeper: I Corinthians 1; I Corinthians 3

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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