Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One More On Wonder

Meditate: Acts 2:43

You wouldn’t know this from the news or movies or TV, (or even the way folks talk, for that matter) but the reason anything is considered tragic is because it’s not normal, it’s not routine.

When something is routine we say it’s just a fact of life. For instance, there’s a boy named Andy on my prayer list that has leukemia. We see that as tragic because our expectation is that an 11-year old boy will go on to grow up and become a man and have a career and a family and retire so as to have more time to spoil his grandkids. That’s our expectation because the overwhelming majority of the time, that’s what happens.

And to see anything else happen makes us cry out to God asking Him to do something miraculous so that Andy (and others like him) can grow up to do all these things and more.

The amazing part is that in a world so ripe with sin and so in rebellion against God, we still know a tragedy when we see it.

And when we realize that, it’s not tragedy that’s surprising. It’s grace. It is God’s love and God’s mercy at work in our world that make tragedies unusual.

  • What evidence of grace do I see?

Praise: You are Lord. Your love endures forever.

Confess: I often fear this world’s evil more than I trust Your grace.

Thank: Your mercy never ends.

Ask: Open my heart and my eyes to Your grace around me.

Digging Deeper: Psalm 2

Posted by email from Ferndale Tonight (posterous)

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