Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Salient Points"

Author, speaker, venture capitalist and fellow Posterous blogger Guy Kawasaki is looking for examples of "salient points" for for his next book, The Art of Enchantment. He asks that you leave them as a comment on his Holy Kaw Alltop blog post:
A salient point takes the truth or the fact and makes it communicate the impact of your decision. All salient points are truthful but not all truths are salient points. For example, imagine if a label on the cheeseburger you were about to eat said, “Eat this, and you’ll gain half a pound” instead of “Total calories: 1,500.”
Do you have other illustrations of how companies illustrate the salient point and therefore do good marketing? As opposed to providing factual points that don’t…
Kind of like the difference between data and information, don't you think? That "1,500 calories" is a fact but that "half a pound" sure leaves you informed!
I know it was parody and I know Volkswagen sued (and National Lampoon removed it) but just for fun this ad from July 1978 comes to mind...
(Tom McMahon has the full story.)

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