Saturday, April 17, 2010

I said you could ask me anything...*

*but this isn't quite what I expected!
Okay, here goes! The first questions are in and, well, someone wanted to know the following:
1. What do you do when you're bored?

Granted our Ferndale HQ is a highly dynamic environment that maintains a shockingly high level of activity (you try raising six kids!) but on those rare occasions... I read or watch old movies. I'm also partial to sudoku and crossword puzzles. There are also six kids running around here that keep me distracted.

2. What is your dream job?

At heart I'm a pastor and I can't really imagine doing anything else that's not pastoring at some level. God is very real to me and I love helping people find their way closer to God, seeing them released from old "hurts, habits, and hang-ups," and finding peace.
So, although this isn't its most conventional form, I've already got my dream job. (Now if God would just monetize it...)

3. Is your beard really that color?

Sure is! And that's my real hair color, too. I can see that they don't match. Deal with it--I've had to! Folks that knew me way back when will tell you that neither one matches the color I had when I was 18.

4. Six kids! Don't y'all know what causes that?

We sure do. ;-)

That's all for now! Keep those questions coming.

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