Monday, December 20, 2010

What are you working on?

In case you missed this...

What are you working on?

If someone asks you that, are you excited to tell them the answer?
I hope so. If not, you're wasting away.
No matter what your job is, no matter where you work, there's a way to create a project (on your own, on weekends if necessary), where the excitement is palpable, where something that might make a difference is right around the corner.
Hurry, go do that.
Posted by Seth Godin on December 18, 2010 | Permalink
I meet so many folks (even in ministry!) who answer this question with a job title not with a goal or a project. Sad, isn't it?
Trust me, life's too short. As Seth Godin points out, you need to solve this
Oh and don't make the mistake of assuming that the way you make a difference has to be the way you pay your bills.

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